Aspire Industrial Services endeavours to keep customers’, and stakeholders’ needs as our main priority. This customer service policy sets out how we fulfil this commitment in practice and what our customers and stakeholders can expect from us and what we, in turn, expect of our customers and stakeholders.
Our customer service policy ensures our commitment to provide excellent services that offer value for money. Key to achieving that vision is a good relationship with our customers and stakeholders.
Aspire recognise that our products and services will benefit different organisational sectors, however we recognise the importance of ensuring the same standards are applied to all. We provide a wide range of services and employ a number of staff and it is important that all of our staff understand and deliver the same high quality service irrespective of the many different types of customers they interact with on a daily basis.
Our Policy
Aspire Industrial Services Ltd endeavours to be an organisation that puts the needs of the customer first. We are committed to providing a responsive, caring and professional service.
As a customer, you can expect:
− Prompt, courteous service.
− Helpful staff that will treat you with respect, confidentiality and in an appropriate manner.
− Convenient hours of opening.
− Prompt response to your enquiries, comments or complaints.
− Clear and accurate information regarding our products and services.
Help us to help you by:
− Treating other customers respect and courtesy.
− Treating our facilities, equipment and property with due care.
− Providing us with feedback on how we may improve our services.
− Complying with any directions or instruction given by staff.
Our Standards
Aspire aim to:
− Provide quality products and services for everyone regardless of race, gender, disability, culture, religion, sexuality or age.
− Treat customers with respect and always offer a friendly, polite service.
− Welcome and listen to comments, compliments and complaints.
− Ensure a member of the team is available at all times to answer your query.
− Acknowledge emails within 48 hours and respond fully within 5 working days.
− Respond to complaints within 5 working days.
Other commitments:
− Communicate in plain language.
− Ensure our premises are accessible to all.
− Respect your privacy, offering private areas for discussion if required.
− Have competent staff that have the skills and knowledge to do the job.
What we ask for:
− Treat all of our staff with courtesy and respect, avoiding unacceptable behaviour.
− Give us the information and documentation we need to help you.
− Help us by telling us when we do not meet your expectations, giving your views and suggestions. Providing us with feedback on how we improve our service, or how we can help to resolve a specific service problem.
− Treat our facilities, equipment and property with due care.
− Complying with any directions or instructions given by staff.
Monitoring this policy?
We will:
− Make it easy for you to make a complaint, comment or suggestion.
− Monitor complaints to ensure we learn from our mistakes.
− Monitor our performance against these standards and policy.
− Train and support our staff in providing better customer service.
− Use customer surveys to regularly gather customer feedback.
Thank you,
Signed: C. Donnelly Date: 14/12/2020
Claire Donnelly Review: 30/12/2021